Leadership self-development

Why Self-Development is Crucial for Leaders

April 22, 20247 min read

Why Self-Development is Crucial for Leaders

personal development

Effective leadership has become more critical than ever before. But the question arises: What truly makes a great leader? It's not solely about issuing commands and making decisions from a place of authority. When you think about what a high-level leader might look like, certain attributes will pop into your head. However, no matter how you define leaders at the highest level, they all have the same thing in common: they spend their lifetime continuously working on improving themselves so that they can help improve others. Ultimately, the most successful leaders understand the importance of prioritizing their self-development.

In Good to Great, author Jim Collins described the best leaders as those that would channel their ego needs away from themselves and into the larger goal of building a great company. It's not that those leaders have no ego or self-interest. Indeed, they are incredibly ambitious - but their ambition is first and foremost for the institution, not themselves.

One thing is for certain: for a leader to channel their ego for the good of the company, they would have had to focus on self-improvement to develop skills crucial for themselves and the company. The high-level, or Level 5, leaders that Jim Collins talked about were all about personal development as a way to improve their professional growth.

The fact that a majority of the best leaders have personal development goals as well as professional goals should tell you something. However, when it comes to leadership, most people are not born with the key skills necessary to be a high-level leader. However, what a lot of these individuals do better than anyone else is figure out how to develop skills, whether they are time management skills or skills related to building professional relationships.

Leaders today are facing bigger challenges than ever before and are not prepared. Studies show a gap between leaders' confidence and their perceived effectiveness. While some leaders view leadership quality as high in their organizations https://www.brimco.io/leadership/leadership-statistics/, only 48% of managers strongly agree they have the skills needed to be exceptional at their jobs https://www.gallup.com/workplace/510326/manager-squeeze-new-workplace-testing-team-leaders.aspx].

Now, just in case you were on the fence as it relates to personal growth as a means for leadership development, here's some frightening information for you:

  • Only 7% of organizations believe their leaders have the skills needed to meet their future business challenges.

  • Only 14% of CEOs have the leadership talent they need to grow their businesses.

  • 63% of organizations prioritize leadership development as a part of their talent strategy.

So what do these numbers really mean? Well, many people are being placed in leadership positions without any training, and they don't have the necessary skills. What kind of challenges could that person, or company face? Look, as someone who was promoted to a leadership position without the necessary skills, I can tell you that I made a massive leap once I worked on myself.

I had doubts about myself, I put my needs before those of the employees, and I focused on patients instead of employees. All of this changed when I began to work on my personal growth and development. Through the process of improving who I was as a person, I was able to dramatically improve who I was as a leader. And that's when real growth happened.

Benefits of self-development for leaders

Benefits of self-development

Personal growth and professional development are linked for a simple reason: leadership is all about the individual. The best of the best focus on creating measurable goals for themselves that align with business goals and support personal development of their team. This is the classic mentality of: "There is no I in team."

However, many leaders, managers, owners, and CEO's never take the plunge into personal development. Instead, they fall down the rabbit hole of business initiatives, numbers, and KPI's. The reason is that personal development takes time, and you don't see results very quickly. What great leaders understand that subpar or good leaders don't understand is that as they improve their skills, their is a trickle-down effect to the employees and the company.

Here's why:

Enhances Self-Awareness:

Leaders who invest in self-development gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and biases This self-awareness allows them to leverage their talents and work on areas for improvement, ultimately making better decisions for themselves and their teams.

Improves Mental Health:

Leaders face pressure and challenges, and strong mental health equips them to bounce back from setbacks and navigate crises effectively. Mental clarity is also necessary for sound judgment, as leaders with good mental health can make well-considered choices that benefit the team and organization. In addition, leaders set the tone for the workplace and a leader who prioritizes mental well-being fosters a supportive environment where others feel comfortable doing the same 

Boosts Decision-Making:

Through self-reflection and continuous learning, leaders become more adept at critical thinking and problem-solving. They can analyze situations from different perspectives and make informed choices that benefit the entire organization.

Strengthens Relationships:

Personal development fosters emotional intelligence and hones communication skills. Leaders who prioritize self-development can connect with their teams on a deeper level, build trust, and inspire collaboration.

Resiliency and Adaptability

Leadership is a journey of continuous learning and growth that benefits not only you, but also your team and your organization as a whole. True leaders are not scared of failure. Instead, they look at it as a learning opportunity. In addition, embracing change as a constant element can decrease worry and resistance, making it easier to adapt to new circumstances.

Personal-development strategies for leaders:

self-development strategies

There are many options available when it comes to personal development. The most important aspect to understand is that you need to find what works for you.

Formal Education:

Enrolling in leadership development courses and workshops. These programs can provide structured learning on specific leadership topics and help you develop new skills. Attending seminars and workshops was my greatest development tool simply because I would spend hours immersed.

Mentorship and Coaching:

Finding a mentor or coach who can offer guidance and support on your leadership journey. This can be a formal program or an informal relationship with a trusted advisor. Either way, find someone who has done what you are trying to do.

Self-Directed Learning:

Reading books and articles on leadership and personal development is a great way to gain new knowledge and perspectives. There are also many online resources available, such as podcasts, audiobooks, Youtube and webinars. Truly, there is no shortage of material to pull from.


Taking time to reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and experiences can help you identify areas for growth. There are many self-assessment tools available to help you with this process, such as DiSC, StrengthsFinder, and the Predictive Index. The High Five Test is also a good one and can be accessed for free here: https://high5test.com/.

Set SMART Goals and Track Progress:

Having clear goals keeps you motivated and focused. Make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Track your progress regularly to stay on course and celebrate your achievements.

Embrace Lifelong Learning:

Never stop learning and growing! Dedicating time to learning new things keeps your mind sharp and exposes you to fresh perspectives. There are endless resources available, from books and articles to online courses and workshops. Challenge yourself to learn something new regularly, it can be anything that interests you!


This classic technique allows you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Write freely about your goals, challenges, and what you learned throughout the day.

Habit Building:

Choose a small, positive habit you want to develop and consistently practice it daily This could be anything from reading for 10 minutes to meditating. Building habits strengthens your willpower and self-discipline.

Ultimately, effective leadership begins with one individual: YOU. How are you evolving personally to enhance your leadership skills? Success in both life and leadership is rooted in the consistent progress one makes each day. Therefore, you must ask yourself: How are you dedicating yourself to continuous improvement?

Are you ready to transform your leadership and take your professional growth to the next level? Dan Neissany specializes in empowering leaders through dedicated personal development strategies that address the very challenges and gaps you might be facing.

Dive deep into personal development with a mentor who understands your aspirations and challenges. Book your strategy call with Dan today and start your journey toward becoming a more effective and resilient leader.

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Leadership self-development

Why Self-Development is Crucial for Leaders

April 22, 20247 min read

Why Self-Development is Crucial for Leaders

personal development

Effective leadership has become more critical than ever before. But the question arises: What truly makes a great leader? It's not solely about issuing commands and making decisions from a place of authority. When you think about what a high-level leader might look like, certain attributes will pop into your head. However, no matter how you define leaders at the highest level, they all have the same thing in common: they spend their lifetime continuously working on improving themselves so that they can help improve others. Ultimately, the most successful leaders understand the importance of prioritizing their self-development.

In Good to Great, author Jim Collins described the best leaders as those that would channel their ego needs away from themselves and into the larger goal of building a great company. It's not that those leaders have no ego or self-interest. Indeed, they are incredibly ambitious - but their ambition is first and foremost for the institution, not themselves.

One thing is for certain: for a leader to channel their ego for the good of the company, they would have had to focus on self-improvement to develop skills crucial for themselves and the company. The high-level, or Level 5, leaders that Jim Collins talked about were all about personal development as a way to improve their professional growth.

The fact that a majority of the best leaders have personal development goals as well as professional goals should tell you something. However, when it comes to leadership, most people are not born with the key skills necessary to be a high-level leader. However, what a lot of these individuals do better than anyone else is figure out how to develop skills, whether they are time management skills or skills related to building professional relationships.

Leaders today are facing bigger challenges than ever before and are not prepared. Studies show a gap between leaders' confidence and their perceived effectiveness. While some leaders view leadership quality as high in their organizations https://www.brimco.io/leadership/leadership-statistics/, only 48% of managers strongly agree they have the skills needed to be exceptional at their jobs https://www.gallup.com/workplace/510326/manager-squeeze-new-workplace-testing-team-leaders.aspx].

Now, just in case you were on the fence as it relates to personal growth as a means for leadership development, here's some frightening information for you:

  • Only 7% of organizations believe their leaders have the skills needed to meet their future business challenges.

  • Only 14% of CEOs have the leadership talent they need to grow their businesses.

  • 63% of organizations prioritize leadership development as a part of their talent strategy.

So what do these numbers really mean? Well, many people are being placed in leadership positions without any training, and they don't have the necessary skills. What kind of challenges could that person, or company face? Look, as someone who was promoted to a leadership position without the necessary skills, I can tell you that I made a massive leap once I worked on myself.

I had doubts about myself, I put my needs before those of the employees, and I focused on patients instead of employees. All of this changed when I began to work on my personal growth and development. Through the process of improving who I was as a person, I was able to dramatically improve who I was as a leader. And that's when real growth happened.

Benefits of self-development for leaders

Benefits of self-development

Personal growth and professional development are linked for a simple reason: leadership is all about the individual. The best of the best focus on creating measurable goals for themselves that align with business goals and support personal development of their team. This is the classic mentality of: "There is no I in team."

However, many leaders, managers, owners, and CEO's never take the plunge into personal development. Instead, they fall down the rabbit hole of business initiatives, numbers, and KPI's. The reason is that personal development takes time, and you don't see results very quickly. What great leaders understand that subpar or good leaders don't understand is that as they improve their skills, their is a trickle-down effect to the employees and the company.

Here's why:

Enhances Self-Awareness:

Leaders who invest in self-development gain a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, and biases This self-awareness allows them to leverage their talents and work on areas for improvement, ultimately making better decisions for themselves and their teams.

Improves Mental Health:

Leaders face pressure and challenges, and strong mental health equips them to bounce back from setbacks and navigate crises effectively. Mental clarity is also necessary for sound judgment, as leaders with good mental health can make well-considered choices that benefit the team and organization. In addition, leaders set the tone for the workplace and a leader who prioritizes mental well-being fosters a supportive environment where others feel comfortable doing the same 

Boosts Decision-Making:

Through self-reflection and continuous learning, leaders become more adept at critical thinking and problem-solving. They can analyze situations from different perspectives and make informed choices that benefit the entire organization.

Strengthens Relationships:

Personal development fosters emotional intelligence and hones communication skills. Leaders who prioritize self-development can connect with their teams on a deeper level, build trust, and inspire collaboration.

Resiliency and Adaptability

Leadership is a journey of continuous learning and growth that benefits not only you, but also your team and your organization as a whole. True leaders are not scared of failure. Instead, they look at it as a learning opportunity. In addition, embracing change as a constant element can decrease worry and resistance, making it easier to adapt to new circumstances.

Personal-development strategies for leaders:

self-development strategies

There are many options available when it comes to personal development. The most important aspect to understand is that you need to find what works for you.

Formal Education:

Enrolling in leadership development courses and workshops. These programs can provide structured learning on specific leadership topics and help you develop new skills. Attending seminars and workshops was my greatest development tool simply because I would spend hours immersed.

Mentorship and Coaching:

Finding a mentor or coach who can offer guidance and support on your leadership journey. This can be a formal program or an informal relationship with a trusted advisor. Either way, find someone who has done what you are trying to do.

Self-Directed Learning:

Reading books and articles on leadership and personal development is a great way to gain new knowledge and perspectives. There are also many online resources available, such as podcasts, audiobooks, Youtube and webinars. Truly, there is no shortage of material to pull from.


Taking time to reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, and experiences can help you identify areas for growth. There are many self-assessment tools available to help you with this process, such as DiSC, StrengthsFinder, and the Predictive Index. The High Five Test is also a good one and can be accessed for free here: https://high5test.com/.

Set SMART Goals and Track Progress:

Having clear goals keeps you motivated and focused. Make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Track your progress regularly to stay on course and celebrate your achievements.

Embrace Lifelong Learning:

Never stop learning and growing! Dedicating time to learning new things keeps your mind sharp and exposes you to fresh perspectives. There are endless resources available, from books and articles to online courses and workshops. Challenge yourself to learn something new regularly, it can be anything that interests you!


This classic technique allows you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Write freely about your goals, challenges, and what you learned throughout the day.

Habit Building:

Choose a small, positive habit you want to develop and consistently practice it daily This could be anything from reading for 10 minutes to meditating. Building habits strengthens your willpower and self-discipline.

Ultimately, effective leadership begins with one individual: YOU. How are you evolving personally to enhance your leadership skills? Success in both life and leadership is rooted in the consistent progress one makes each day. Therefore, you must ask yourself: How are you dedicating yourself to continuous improvement?

Are you ready to transform your leadership and take your professional growth to the next level? Dan Neissany specializes in empowering leaders through dedicated personal development strategies that address the very challenges and gaps you might be facing.

Dive deep into personal development with a mentor who understands your aspirations and challenges. Book your strategy call with Dan today and start your journey toward becoming a more effective and resilient leader.

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